Etalon's Ancestry & Breed Composition testing is an in-depth comparison of your horse's genetic make-up and how it is like, or unlike, other horses within various "breeds," disciplines, and populations around the world. Your horse's ancestry results will give you a better understanding of who they are, and what they're best suited for.
Equine ancestry is analyzed based on regional breeding practices and evolutionary drift. Horses from each region of the world, group or "breed" will have genes in common and overlapping regions that can be identified, compared and graphed. Where horses have been closely bred (due to close proximity) or purposely bred by man (to suit a discipline or need) the genetic content of those horses will "cluster" together on a graph and may correlate with "breed" labels. Registries, breeds or closed groups of horses bred through longer periods of history will have more clearly defined gene clusters. Often, these clusters will be entirely separated from most horse samples. Take a look at the scatter plot on the following page to see an illustration of the reference horse population and where your horse falls on the graph.
Learn more about what is included in each Ancestry test with our two part blog series:
How To Read Your Horse's Test Results: Ancestry, Composition, and More